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OCTOBER – The month of Contrasts, Balance & Beauty


a month of contrasts, of balance through polarities and contradictions.

Games manifestations of the opposites. Transition.

The transition from one era to the next. We feel like that we have one foot back and one foot forward.

The mind and consciousness on a seesaw trying to find balance, to find stability, to make a decision.

Preparation. Last chance to collect, to store, preserve, to review.

It is the time when you put everything on a scale.

The fruits of your labor, your experiences, your state, your memories, your relationships, your emotions.

The gate is open so that you can move forward, but will soon be closed leaving behind the past season, a past era.

Now it is the time that you must decide what you will take with you and what you will leave behind.


The word “October” comes from the ancient Greek word “ὀκτώ” (oktṓ). “October” was the eighth month of the annual calendar, in ancient times, before the months of January and February were added, and kept the name even though it is now the tenth month.

Being and Becoming

We call October “the little summer” in Greece , as it gives Autumn the last touch of Summer and allows the farmer to plough, sow, plant, collect wood, store fruit and generally make supplies for the winter. At the end of the month we open  for tasting, for the first time the new wine. The οlives harvesting and the production of the precious olive oil begins. All nature is  being prepared for the changes to come.

The sky is sometimes clear with bright sun that still warms the earth and some other times hazy, cloudy, rainy that relieves the summer-thirsty soil.

Even in the north where the climate is quite different, October is a month full of changes regarding the sky and temperatures. The changes vary from cloudy, to sunny, strong winds, hot days and cold nights. 

Migratory birds will start their journey south to make home in warmer parts of  the planet. Many animals will now hibernate. 

In Northern Europe it is the month where the trees change color, transforming into a wonderful palette of colors. The night is growing, a harbinger of the approaching winter.



People connect with nature through harvesting and fruit gathering, but also through autumn excursions.

The first mushrooms make their appearance.

Throughout nature the period of transformation and the transition to another age is manifested.

A period of reflection but also celebration.

It invites us to participate in various customs and immerse ourselves in captivating legends

that bridge the gap between the visible world of the living and the mysticism of other worlds.

As the leaves rustle, the weather cools and the days get shorter,

we seek inner warmth and artistic or spiritual activities.

October captivates our senses and immerses us in the timeless magic of autumn.

Harvest Moon

October’s full moon is referred to as

the “Harvest Moon” or “Hunter’s Moon”

because, according to Native American traditions,

it marked the time for hunting in

preparation for the winter months.

In various cultures, October is associated with

beliefs about ghosts and spirits.

The changing weather conditions inspire the idea

that the veil between the living and the dead is thin during this time

Elements & Keys

The month of Libra

Element: Air

Key Concepts:

Appreciation of beauty in all its forms.

Aesthetics. Artistic aesthetics.

Harmony. Desire to keep the peace.

Diplomacy. Mediation to avoid conflicts.

Avoid immediate confrontation.  Cowardice.

Search for justice and balance. Analysis based on logic.

Indecisiveness. Dilemma between many options.

Discretionary approach to love.

Distancing from emotion.

Relationships and partnerships.

Reflections As above so Below
As Above So Below

Tuning body, mind and soul with the vibrations of October

I take care of my relationships.

I let go  the “I” for a while. I focus on my identity through the “We”, harmonious coexistence, my place in the world in the  society, my role in balance and justice. I redefine myself through “we”.. through the balance of the “I” and the “we”.

Who am I and what is my role in the “we”? How do I express my authentic self? How do I serve the “us”, society, the whole?


I take care of my thoughts. I review my beliefs.

I observe those around me, my environment. I observe myself in relation to my environment.

I observe myself and my relationships, my relationship with love in general. How do I behave in my relationships? Am I fair? Is my expression harmonious?

I allow myself to let go of old patterns and beliefs that do not serve harmonious coexistence.

  I adopt habits and new empowering beliefs that promote balanced relationships.


I take care of my beauty, my personal aesthetics and appearance. I start activities that relate to aesthetics, harmony and beauty. Artistic activities.

Yoga asanas connected to October’s vibes

Focus: Balance

Action:  Flow 

Heart Quality: Harmony , Gratefulness

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): encourages stability and lightness. It involves grounding one foot while the arms raised above the head, symbolizing the connection between earth and air.

Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III): enhances balance, strength, and focus. symbolizing the air element’s fluidity.

Dancer’s Pose (Natarajasana):  represents grace, balance, and the flow of air.




I take emotional care of any kind of relationship.

My relationship with myself, the relationship with others, with my profession, with nature, with my environment.

I gather the spiritual fruits.

I meditate on harmony, beauty, love, inner peace. I leave Karma behind. I let go. 

I go with the flow. I discover my personal soul path through my relationships with the world. I balance.

I cultivate feelings of love and harmony, compassion and understanding.

The Circle of Nature The Circle of Life


Aroma of apple, cinnamon and wet soil.

Through the beauty of transition October invites us to accept the inevitable changes and capture the beauty and blessings that come through this process. Passing this gate we have to leave behind what has worn out, to keep the essence of the experience of the previous seasons and warmer days , we have to return to the earth seeds from what we have reaped.

It is the time that one needs to make decisions, that one weighs  material, emotional and spiritual gains. To review one’s values. To be fair and just to thyself and others.

Everything in nature manifests  an ancient truth. The endless openings and closings of circles. Signifying unity, wholeness, and infinity. The timeless cyclical nature of existence .

Let’s welcome and embrace with warmth and love that which is coming. Let’s open our hearts to gratitude to  what it has been, to what it has been gained , to what it has been experienced, and embrace the idea of the changes to come. Let’s  gently prepare thyself. Let’s continue to discover the beauty in every moment of our lives.

As nature so life and our relationships continue, deepen, become beautiful, even when winter approaches.

Let’s stand fearlessly in front of these changes, even if sometimes they are abrupt and painful. Not because we know that the hard winter will always be followed by spring, but because we know that everything is part of the process. 

Everything is part of the cycle of life and each season, each period, each phase has its own value in contributing to cosmic harmony.

May the element of air cleanse the energy. May we find the courage to let go.

To stand in our center firm, unshakable and at the same time flexible on our roots.

The nature around us and within us, is an infinite oasis of beauty, always ready to surprise and move us. Let us remain open to this magic as we continue our journey with peace, love, kindness and hope. 



Erasmia Kritikou

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