Ancient Greek massage

Ancient Greek massage is a unique patented holistic therapy which closely follows the protocols used by the famous Hippocrates the father of modern medicine.
It is a strong, yet not painful treatment, an unprecedented therapy a trip to the glorious past of Ancient Hellas (Greece).
Initially dry massage and muscle stimulation is applied. A technique known only to the healers of Asklipiia mystical temples.
Horse brush and powder is then applied, one of the ancient techniques of the so called “Iatroliptes” (medical practitioners), that was used in order to keep the muscles, of the Olympic Games athletes, strong, during intense training!
Cupping, bowel activation techniques and sore feet cure, included in the session of the therapy, are only a few of Hippocrates recipes for longevity, mental and psychological balance.
Stlegida is the only surviving ancient tool of the ancient times and the only one used in the treatment globally. It is very effective in cleansing from toxins and activating the lemphic system.
Last but not least the rubbings of sorrow, were Hippocrates secret method to chase away the sorrow and negative thinking of people’s faces.